DIY 8-Bit Computer using a 6502 microprocessor

The MOS-6502 microprocessor started the home-computer revolution in the late 1970s. It was the processor of the Apple II, the Commodore 64, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and many more. Western Design Center released the 65C02 in 1983. It is an improved 6502 bearing a completely static design. That means that the system clock may run at very slow speeds, making it ideal for debugging and learning in general.

Most of the 6502-related content is only available in german, but I plan to translate it soon.

Here is the original page from 2021, which provides an introduction to the project. Since then, I have added lots of new parts for which I publish updates as separate posts, see below.

This project was inspired by Ben Eater, who made an excellent video series on this topic.


Power Module and Overvoltage Protection

I recently fried my 65C02 processor and the 1 MHz oscillator of my 8-bit computer, because the power supply was still set to 12 volts from another project. I took this event as an opportunity to build a simple overvoltage protection for the computer.

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Switching to the ca65 Assembler and implementing a SPI connection

I could finally invest some time into my 6502 computer project again, which I started in 2021. I ported the code to a different assembler, ca65, and connected the computer to an Arduino with a serial connection.

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DIY 8-bit computer

A homemade 8-bit computer based on the 6502-microprocessor, inspired by Ben Eater.

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